Our front room, dubbed "the Book Room", is one of my favorite rooms of the house. It's not entirely quiet since our house is very open... but it's great for reading and getting away for a little relaxation without being surrounded by DS sounds, hyper kids and loud kid's TV shows. It's also my tan & black room. I loved the way it looked... but it was missing something. A rug.
This little bugger came into our life... ironically the same day I painted the Book Room. :)
Lucy is a sweetheart, but was a stinker when it came to house training! There was no way I was risking buying a rug only to toss it in the trash. I lost our 8x10 shag rug in the family room due to this little bugger. By the time I realized just where the stink was coming from, it was way too late. Funny... shag rugs are fun to walk on, but "liquids" sink to the bottom and aren't easily seen! It took us a long while to figure out that she'd been using our rug as her personal bathroom for weeks.
Well, a year later, I think we have it all worked out. She's much better now, and rarely goes into that front room.
So, I took the plunge (cheap plunge) and bought a rug from Overstock.
It's an indoor/outdoor rug, but I wasn't looking for plush. I wanted something with tan and black. But most importantly, I needed CHEAP. :)
Here's a brighter photo.
Our little dog, Aspen, died a month ago. She was my first kid... 14.5 years old! So, when she was gone, we removed the adorable "doggie throne" (first photo) since Lucy is too big for it. I replaced it with a simple black chair.
This was a $2 yard sale find, spray-painted glossy black. It goes well with my $2 yard-sale vase. Not sure how much we'll use that chair, but it replaced the other chair just fine.
Oh! And we've had that rug for about a month now. And no surprises! YAY! I'll still wait a little before we get the replacement shag rug... 8x10 is a little more expensive... and I really don't want to trash yet another one.