About Me

Rather than write paragraphs about myself, here are a few quick tidbits about me:

Great supportive husband, Mr. Mike
He even chose the name of this blog!
Met Mr. Mike at a Frat party
Married at our alma mater, GCC

Four adorable, sweet kids
Two sons, two daughters
Three bio, one adopted from China
My youngest is officially in public school, the oldest is in middle school (yikes!)
Two dogs, a blind Westie named Aspen and a crazy retriever-mix puppy named Lucy

Redskins and Caps fans 
(though I'm originally from Pittsburgh, so love the Black and Gold, too)

Preschool Teacher
Helped establish a MOPS group years ago
Belong to a Bible Study group
Belong to a 5-year running Dinner Group
Thirty-One Gifts Independent Consulant (my newest gig)

Recently moved out a dirt road
Brand new home... brand new experiences
Surrounded by woods
Not a big nature-person (LOL)
Love the views, though

Love to craft
Love to decorate
Love to bargain-shop
Wish there were more thrift stores around me!!!
Live for yard sale seasons
Lo-ove Freecycle!
Love to paint

I enjoy:
The Office
Grey's Anatomy
TerraNova (not sure how long it will last)
Nate Berkus and Ellen Degeneres

Lost 25 pounds with WW two years ago... time to do it again (belch)
Gained back all 25 during our "big move" year... ugh.
Not so sure I'm terribly devoted this time... ha
Bad knees and back (and feeling OLD)
46 steps in my house... ow!! (see above)